Baptism in this Parish

Sometimes also called ‘Christening’

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me; do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs.” Mark 10.14

The first steps..

Our parish welcomes interest from parents seeking to have their children baptised (Christened) either at the main Sunday service or in private gathering in one of our churches.

Please do contact the parish office to make an appointment to see one of the clergy and pencil in a potential date for the baptism. The priest will see you and your family a couple of times before the service. This can happen in the church or at your home.

As a sacrament of God’s Church holy baptism is a serious step and as churches we want to support parents and godparents in this profound decision.

“People of God, will you welcome these children/candidates and uphold them in their new life in Christ?”

—Church of England Baptismal Liturgy

Adult Baptism

If you seek baptism then we will come alongside you in your journey. For adults and older children baptism is always done in the context of a full service with the congregation. Baptism marks a conversion to Jesus Christ, an embracing of the Gospel, an incorporation into the full life of the Church.

Our expectation is that the newly baptised commit to weekly attendance at Church, frequent reception of Holy Communion, and a discipled life orientated to Christ and his commandments. The newly baptised are asked to be confirmed by a bishop in the same year that they are baptised.


For adults on the baptismal journey we offer a period of reflection and preparation. A priest and a mentor (godparent) will be assigned to you from the congregation. Preparation will include coming to church, learning about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the teachings of the Church and what baptism and Holy Communion mean. You will become (to use the ancient word) a ‘catechumen’.